QIBA offers a range of Master Classes and Mini-Credentials which are focused on the needs of local businesses and professional development of staff. We can deliver tailor-made training packages to your staff from any of our ASQA accredited qualifications, which are part of the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Study areas include: Information Technology (e.g. Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practices); Leadership and Management (e.g. Manage team effectiveness); Business Operations (e.g. Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability).
Staff members or managers who complete such ‘Units of Competence’ are awarded ‘Certificates of Attainment’, which can be used as Credits towards Certificate and Diploma qualifications Australia-wide.
Corporate training content can be packaged to suit the individual needs of your organisation and can be delivered face-to-face on your worksite, on our CBD campus in Sydney, Canberra or online.
For further information and requests for quotations please contact our Academic Manager on 02 9267 3040 or email info@qiba.edu.au